Monday, July 03, 2006

she made me do it

if you've known me long enough, you've seen my bad side. it's the side that's a total itch, with a capital "B". through the years, and striving to be more like Jesus, i've practiced keeping that side of myself at bay. but some people. some people can bring her out. *shaking head*

it's definitely a pet peeve of mine when strangers are rude to me right off the bat. as if they feel entitled to treat everyone around them with disrespect and sassy attitude. bah. i just don't like it. working in the wig business, i tend to see many more of these sorts of people than my fair share. up until today, by the love of God, i've been able to keep it together and still speak to such folks with a gentle, polite calmness. but today, i lost it. i won't tell you what she was like, but somehow, this customer conjured up this yucky me in just a few moments. i'd almost forgotten that this steely, logical, fierce, i-don't-care-about-your-feelings, i-will-tear-you-down-and-win-this-argument-and-dance-on-your-foolish-face helen existed. this side of me that should be feared. ROAR.

the customer left in a huff after talking to this helen. i hope she doesn't sue us or something. this is what you call a bad day at work, i think. i need to pray just to make it today.

a girl in need of grace

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