Wednesday, May 31, 2006

vince is his name

i took a peter pan bus up to NYC this weekend. it's a pretty cheap and reliable way to travel between DC and NY. a man sat down next to me on the bus (even though there were plenty of empty seats all around), and we didn't talk at all for the first 3.5 hours of the trip. he actually only broke the silence after i made a phone call to my momma. he asked me if i was Korean--he said his momma was too.

we talked for the entire last part of the ride. it was enough time to get to know him enough to say that:
  1. he doesn't really love his girlfriend. he likes the idea of her, that she's pretty, that she's low maintenance, and that she lives in NYC.
  2. he honestly believes that guys need to treat their girls like sh*t if he wants to keep her (if she's good looking).
  3. he thinks that if a girl lives in the DC area and can't get a date, she must be really ugly.
  4. he knows that if a girl is looking for a man with a higher education who likes to travel, she only has dollar signs in her eyes.
  5. he would live in san francisco if he could (though he doesn't really have anything holding him back--see #1).
  6. he would never date a fat and/or ugly girl.
almost our whole conversation was about dating. it was my fault for asking how he met his girlfriend--i was curious, since long distance dating usually has a story behind it. i just didn't realize that the conversation would end with me losing even more faith in men. thankfully, i remained slightly amused at how many times he managed to put his foot in his mouth and not even know that he did.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

my wishlist

many people have asked if i need anything, so i've made a list of items that i would really love to purchase before i leave. while it might seem that none of them are exceedingly imperative, since i will be out of the States for the entire three years, i would really enjoy having these things. however, if i purchase them all now, i will probably be in debt for a long long time.

blogspot makes it easy to leave comments, so if you want to buy any of these things for me, please comment so others know i'm covered! :O)

  • printer
  • external hard drive
  • sneakers
  • ipod
  • small speakers for my laptop
  • apron
  • glasses
  • tent (for two)
  • games (travel size, maybe scrabble)
  • a puzzle
  • short wave radio (i totally have no ideas on what to buy)
  • 2-way radio
  • frisbee
  • watch
  • stationary
  • When Harry Met Sally
  • Princess Bride
  • 50 First Dates
  • Scrubs (any season)
  • The Incredibles
  • That 70s Show (any season)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

sweet coldness, for the love of kimchee!

our refrigerator is broken. you can smell the fermenting kimchee without even opening the door. i wondered why the fridge was smelling rather... foodie last night, but i blamed it on the leftovers and let it be. but i took out said leftovers to feed the every-growing belly today, and my first bite tasted... a little sour. being ever-so-clever, i lick-checked each food item. yes, all very sour. why i didn't just rely on smell, who knows. i'm gross, whatever.

i opened the fridge--no cold air! egad, all this food must be thrown away. the yogurt, the eggs, the... OH NO, the ice cream!! not the ice cream!! *sigh* the freezer is not freezing--the garlic bread, the popsicles, the pizza--it is all gone. i was too sad to clean it all out alone, so i'm waiting for my mom to come home so we can do it together. we must do the food justice and provide a proper burial/disposal ceremony.
