Thursday, March 30, 2006

allergic to it

if someone says they're allergic to something, it immediately gives them an excuse not to eat/pet/smell/whatever it, right? i've thought for a long time that i was allergic to grass because anytime we played something outside in gym class, i would get all red, splotchy and itchy on my legs. i didn't really complain, though, because i wanted so badly to fit in during those days of P.E.

as i've grown older, i've begun to suspect that it's not grass that i'm allergic to at all. i think actually, it might be the EXERCISE. any physical exertion, and my legs turn all red, splotchy and itchy. now, i know there are many medical people out there that might have an answer and remedy for me. but really, i'm ALLERGIC to it, and who needs to exercise anyway? *guilty pause*

so today, i actually did go walking/running. it had been SO long since i'd seen those red, itchy splotches--so long that i was sort of happy to see them again. hello, old friends. plus, it was just a deliciously gorgeous day. thank you God for today.

incidentally, i was out running a few errands today in the middle of the day. and i noticed something. there are a LOT of people doing things in the middle of the day. doesn't anyone go to work? i guess i just live near a lot of independently weathly people who don't need jobs... or people who don't have jobs and are independently poor. :O]

fair weather walker

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