Tuesday, April 04, 2006

filing taxes

i'm so sure that many of you have already dutifully filed your taxes and are happily spending your tax returns. but here i am, in the thick of things. the good news is that i've already finished my federal stuff, woooohoooo! but now i'm on my state and local taxes... and totally regretting the fact that i worked in washington dc last year, seeing as how i reside in maryland. stupid maryland. or stupid dc, i can't decide.

i started filling out my MD form, and found out that the tax withheld was actually DC state tax withheld. so thus, i need to fill out a MD tax credit form. that form tells me i need to fill out another form, basically filing for DC state tax returns. what the hamstring is going on. i feel like i've followed this endless trail of breadcrumbs and i'm lost. does anyone actually know what things like "fiduciary income" and "aquaculture oyster floats" are?

and like the tenacious nerd that i am, i feel as though i just can't get to bed unless i tackle this monster and triumph with some returns. once you pop, you can't stop.

this entry was just my pit stop on the way to tax heaven.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what the hamstring? heehee...chomp up those forms, taxilla!