Wednesday, May 03, 2006

sweet coldness, for the love of kimchee!

our refrigerator is broken. you can smell the fermenting kimchee without even opening the door. i wondered why the fridge was smelling rather... foodie last night, but i blamed it on the leftovers and let it be. but i took out said leftovers to feed the every-growing belly today, and my first bite tasted... a little sour. being ever-so-clever, i lick-checked each food item. yes, all very sour. why i didn't just rely on smell, who knows. i'm gross, whatever.

i opened the fridge--no cold air! egad, all this food must be thrown away. the yogurt, the eggs, the... OH NO, the ice cream!! not the ice cream!! *sigh* the freezer is not freezing--the garlic bread, the popsicles, the pizza--it is all gone. i was too sad to clean it all out alone, so i'm waiting for my mom to come home so we can do it together. we must do the food justice and provide a proper burial/disposal ceremony.



Unknown said...

just found out that mr. fridgidaire is not broken. he was just unplugged. whoopsies.

jenni said...

so sad to loose the ice cream!!! oh no.

how did it get unplugged?
